Update: Time Is Money

I built a Chrome extension which seems to work more or less.
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I embarked onto the promising adventure of translating social complications into math.
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Not Buying Tableware

Why am I defaulting to buying things I like to see?
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Log, Right?

Naming things remains hard.
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2019 in Running

I looked into my running volume of 2019.
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Kimchi Pancakes

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I used Markov chains to generate images.
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Breaking Pills: An Intuition

I tried to find a simple solution to a simple math problem.
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Challenge People

I believe I could profit from being questioned more, with good intentions.
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Korean Noodle Salad

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Workflow on Leonhard/Euler Compute Cluster

I compiled some improvements to my workflow.
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A Beautiful, Derandomized Algorithm

I tried to illustrate the process of turning an already useful randomized algorithm into a conventional, non-random algorithm.
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Sklearn Pipelines

I tried to illustrate the usage of scikit-learn pipelines.
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Running Log

I tried to come up with a simple yet long-term system to log my running.
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On Advice

I contemplated on the dimension of specificity.
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On Apologies: A Poor Man's Taxonomy

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Time Is Money

Is changing the currency of time a useful regulator?
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Matrix Factorization in Collaborative Filtering

I illustrated increasingly elaborate possible approaches for scenarios akin to the 'Netflix Prize'.
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